According to a document obtained by the media and a person with direct access, an ICE raid is imminent in the city of Chicago. Described as a “major enforcement operation” the raid will take place over a span of several days starting on Tuesday January 21st.

“We’re already geared up and it will begin,” Trump said. “We have to get the criminals that have come here illegally out of our country.”

Dubbed “Operation Safeguard,” the deportation raids are said to be targeted not just in cities, but in metropolitan areas which includes suburbs. Already suburban school district administrators are trying to calm fears, letting parents know they will continue to stand with all students and families.

Trump’s rhetoric towards people who immigrated here was often disrespectful and false during the campaign, setting the table for the coming deportations. Beyond the ethical considerations, mass deportations will inevitably lead to higher prices. There is a worker shortage and immigrants are vital to our economy. People who immigrate here also commit crimes at a dramatically lower rate than US born citizens.

Attention by us all is clearly warranted.